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Tau Phi Delta

Interested in the Treehouse?
Contact our new membership chairmen with any questions:
Eric Lawler: OR (717)884-4310
Derek Lentz: OR (907)406-2435
From the editor,
My name is Jacob Schneider and I am a Senior at Tau Phi Delta. One of our goals as a house is to create a stronger method of outreach between potential new members, the alumni and the current active brotherhood by enhancing communication. I would like for this site to serve as a glimpse into the house as well as some of the activities that we take part in.
In addition, the alumni are an important part of the house and its history. This house would not be standing if not for those who came before us, and we want the alumni to look at the current chapter and feel the same pride they did years ago.
Please contact me at (724)-650-8147
or our chapter president Adam Harbaugh at (717)-521-8380.

427 East Fairmount Ave., State College, PA 16801
For contact regarding House business, please contact...
Board Of Directors Sec. Gregg Horvat
Grand National Sec. Earl Hower

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